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You Want To Change Your Property Manager? Here are the Dos and Don'ts

Finding a property manager for your home can be a tough exercise. But the problem comes in when you realize that the choice was a wrong one. They promised heaven before you signed the dotted line and now you can't seem to see the fruits. You will have to break the relationship and find effective and serious property managers like Stress Free Property Management. However, you will need to end the contract according to the terms you signed at the beginning. Otherwise, they might sue you for breaching the contract.

If they promised that they will be managing the rental emergencies smoothly, and it states so in the contract, but they fail to do so, then you can terminate the contract because of this reason. You will need to give prior notice. Check in the termination part of the contract. It should have the notice period there - which is typically one to three months. Write a notification to the property manager and send it through the certified mail for the sake of evidence that you sent it to them. It is important to have a cause of contract termination. Find us through Stress Free Property Management official account on Yellowpages to see a contract template.

Even though you really want to terminate this contract, be sure that you know the costs you will incur. Terminating some contracts come with a price whether you have a proper reason or not. You might incur the expense the manager incurred for the period you have been together, plus the contract termination fee.

Obtain the paperwork of the property, and inform the available tenants so they stop paying the money through him or her. Also, give reasonable time for the property manager to give the owed funds to you.